
Used to access all of Inkdrop's configuration details. This module allows you to get and set configuration settings stored in config.json.

An instance of this class is always available as the inkdrop.config global.

Getting and setting config settings

// Note that with no value set, `::get` returns the setting's default value.
inkdrop.config.get('my-plugin.myKey') // -> 'defaultValue'

inkdrop.config.set('my-plugin.myKey', 'value')
inkdrop.config.get('my-plugin.myKey') // -> 'value'

You may want to watch for changes. Use ::observe to catch changes to the setting.

inkdrop.config.set('my-plugin.myKey', 'value')
inkdrop.config.observe('my-plugin.myKey', newValue => {
  // `observe` calls immediately and every time the value is changed
  console.log('My configuration changed:', newValue)

If you want a notification only when the value changes, use ::onDidChange.

inkdrop.config.onDidChange('my-plugin.myKey', ({ newValue, oldValue }) => {
  console.log('My configuration changed:', newValue, oldValue)

Alternatively, you can get the config values via the localConfig app state.

Value Coercion

Config settings each have a type specified by way of a schema. For example we might want an integer setting that only allows integers greater than 0:

// When no value has been set, `::get` returns the setting's default value
inkdrop.config.get('my-plugin.anInt') // -> 12

// The string will be coerced to the integer 123
inkdrop.config.set('my-plugin.anInt', '123')
inkdrop.config.get('my-plugin.anInt') // -> 123

// The string will be coerced to an integer, but it must be greater than 0, so is set to 1
inkdrop.config.set('my-plugin.anInt', '-20')
inkdrop.config.get('my-plugin.anInt') // -> 1

Defining settings for your plugin

Define a schema under a config key in your plugin main.

module.exports = {
  config: {
    someInt: {
      title: 'Some int',
      type: 'integer',
      default: 34,
      minimum: 10

  activate() {
    // ...

See plugin docs for more info.

Config Schemas

We use json schema which allows you to define your value's default, the type it should be, etc. A simple example:

  config: {
    enableThing: {
      title: 'enable thing',
      type: 'boolean',
      default: false
    thingVolume: {
      title: 'thing volume',
      type: 'integer',
      default: 5,
      minimum: 1,
      maximum: 11

The type keyword allows for type coercion and validation. If a thingVolume is set to a string '10', it will be coerced into an integer.

Supported Types

The type keyword can be a string with any one of the following.


Values must be a string.

  config: {
    someSetting: {
      title: 'some string setting',
      type: 'string',
      default: 'hello'


Values will be coerced into a number, including real numbers. Supports the (optional) minimum and maximum keys.

  config: {
    someSetting: {
      title: 'some number setting',
      type: 'number',
      default: 5.3,
      minimum: 1.5,
      maximum: 11.5


Values will be coerced into a Boolean. 'true' and 'false' will be coerced.

  config: {
    someSetting: {
      title: 'some boolean setting',
      type: 'boolean',
      default: false

Other Supported Types


All types support an enum key, which lets you specify all the values the setting can take. enum may be an array of allowed values (of the specified type).

In this example, the setting must be one of the 3 strings:

  config: {
    someSetting: {
      title: 'some string setting',
      type: 'string',
      default: 'foo',
      enum: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

title and description

The settings view will use the title and description keys to display your config setting in a readable way. By default the settings view humanizes your config key, so someSetting becomes Some Setting. In some cases, this is confusing for users, and a more descriptive title is useful.

Descriptions will be displayed below the title in the settings view.

  config: {
    someSetting: {
      title: 'Setting Magnitude',
      description: 'This will affect the blah and the other blah',
      type: 'integer',
      default: 4

Manipulating values outside your configuration schema

It is possible to manipulate (get, set, observe etc) values that do not appear in your configuration schema. For example, if the config schema of the plugin 'some-plugin' is

  config: {
    someSetting: {
      type: 'boolean',
      default: false

You can still do the following

let otherSetting = inkdrop.config.get('some-plugin.otherSetting')
inkdrop.config.set('some-plugin.stillAnotherSetting', otherSetting * 5)

In other words, if a function asks for a key-path, that path doesn't have to be described in the config schema for the plugin or any plugin. However, as highlighted in the best practices section, you are advised against doing the above.

Best practices

  • Don't depend on (or write to) configuration keys outside of your keypath.
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